Monday, November 24, 2008

Deadly Effect of Touching Body of Christ

As sure as night follows day Communion in the hand leads to loss of faith. It took away especially from young people the sense of the holiness of God.

Communion in the hand was a slow but sure poison to young plants that had not struck root, a poison insidious and hidden at first but in hindsight as obvious as the mass exodus that followed, like an Exodus in reverse, from the Promised Land into the wilderness and the hell of a spiritual Egypt.

First the men left, then the children following their father's example, finally the mothers gave up. "Behold the sower went forth to sow. And whilst he was sowing, some fell by the wayside and the birds of the air came and ate them up."

BA Santamaria wrote: "More profoundly than anything they learn in the process of formal education, than any conclusions which they reach as a result of rational argument, ordinary people are influenced in their religious beliefs by what they repeatedly and continuously see and do in the course of worship." He predicted that "these factors will result in parishioner-less parishes long before it issues in the so-called priestless parish."

Communion in the hand is a ritual act of union with the world, the flesh and the devil, like casting incense before an idol, like spitting on a crucifix to advance materially to some degree in the eyes of the world.

St James rebuked spiritual adultery. "Don't you know that the friendship of this world is the enemy of God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of this world becomes an enemy of God."

Communion in the hand has been promoted by secret agents inside the Church, experts adept at controlled demolition, change agents skilled in weapons of Mass destruction. They infiltrated, pretending to be seminary rectors, cardinals, possibly a pope or two.

These atheists' "praxis" or action plan, and "animus delendi" or spirit of destruction, are based on the principle of endless change, called by globalist Leon Trotsky "permanent revolution." Obtain from The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita by John Vennari and Marie Carre's AA1025: Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle.

The central idea and core error of the modernizing popes and bishops of the Second Vatican regime was to erase the distinction between the sacred and the profane, to baptize the world, introducing the world into the church as a leaven.

Pope John the 23rd when asked what was the need for convoking a world council of bishops foolishly replied, "To let in a little fresh air." He went on to deny Christ before men while sending many martyrs of communism to their deaths in saying "The church has no enemies" proving again the truth that the worst enemies of the church are within. This so-called fresh air was later called "inculturation," the opposite of what Christ asked of his church.

Inculturation puts the sacred unchanging substance into profane changeable form. Like putting old wine in new skins, the wine cracks and bursts the skins and both are lost.

Pope John wanted a New Pentecost. He was one of the first Catholic Pentecostalists. He admitted that he invoked the reform Council because like some suffering from schizophrenia he heard and responded to a voice of the spirits in the air that whispered "Ecumenical Council." He imagined it was God.

Instead by his foolishness he may have inadvertently scheduled the coming Day of the Lord.

The first Pentecost or in Hebrew Shavuot was when the Lord gave Moses the Ten Commandments. This was 40 days after the Angel of Death had passed over the houses of the Israelites sparing them by the sign of blood on their houses.

But as soon as Moses came down from Mount Sinai he found them worshipping the Golden Calf. When Joel prophesied the Christian Pentecost he also said the Holy Spirit would be poured out on many and they would prophesy. This happened at Pentecost when the Apostles were heard prophesying in every language. 40 years later the second part of Joel's prophecy was fulfilled with the destruction of Jerusalem.

The new and false Pentecost of the false prophet Pope John saw the evil spirit enter into many and they began talking in tongues and making mayhem of the Mass. 40 years later the Catholic church if not the whole world faces the same Day of the Lord destruction as back then with the Day of the Lord for Jerusalem.

Joel: "And I will show wonders in heaven and in earth, blood and fire and vapours of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible Day of the Lord do come. And it shall come to pass that every one that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, for in Mount Sion and in Jerusalem shall be salvation as the Lord has said and in the residue who the Lord shall call."

As few citizens of the material Jerusalem were saved from the destruction caused by the Romans, but the Christians were saved because the Lord had told them that when you see these signs leave the city, few also of the spiritual Jerusalem will be saved because the Mass has been all but destroyed and is only available to a residue and because to call upon the name of the Lord in Christian terms is to receive him in Holy Communion.

The words of the Mass: Panem celestem accipiam et nomen Domini invocabo--I will receive the Bread of Heaven and call upon the name of the Lord.

God's bride, the people of God ("they shall be my people and I shall be their God") violated the marriage covenant once too many times. Mercy exhausted, jealous anger provoked, the Temple and the whole city of Jerusalem were destroyed, Israel scattered, the covenant terminated, the relationship ended.

This time it's worse, worse than the spiritual adultery of going outside the church to unite with other religions, worse than trampling God's laws and commandments.

For they are trampling God himself, the Manna from heaven in his dwelling-place on earth, the Tabernacle, the Holy of Holies.

Today a blind people is misled by blind priests. "For when the blind lead the blind they both fall together into the pit." Walking down that way, over those sacred crumbs, leads to hell people and church leaders alike.

Jerusalem was given 40 years to repent. The churchmen have had 40 years to repent. Instead popes apologize for everyone except themselves. For 40 years the Israelites were tested in the desert. Today what you have is the new Exodus. The people have left behind the Promised Land, all bound for mourning town and a perpetual penal colony infinitely worse than Pharoah's Egypt.

Most church leaders also face the second death, spiritual death, as St Paul explained in the last verse of Romans chapter 1, distorted in modernized Bibles. "Who having known the justice of God did not understand that they who do such things are worthy of death and not only they that do them them but also they that consent to them that do them."

All that's left now are a few little old ladies, wearing their "rose-coloured glasses," seeing what they want to see, living in the memories, taking with them to the grave the infantile service, a lame charade which, like the proverbial "dog in the manger," occupies the place thereby preventing any genuine rejuvenation. Step one was remove the Mass, substitute with a counterfeit service. Step two, after the people stop going to church, demolish building. Dust to lust, ashes to cash.

The scorched earth policy, Communion in the hand the weapon of Mass destruction, left nothing behind. The next generation, if there be a next generation, will have to rebuild from scratch. The prophecy of the Church of Ground Zero.

In most places the church is dead and gone, or just a facade propped up like a corpse. Soon it will be all over, bar the shouting of the auctioneers, the only remaining question: who gets the real estate, who will inherit the land?

The priests forfeited their name and repute because they cut themselves off from the divine origin of their authority and from the source of their grace of state.

"But if the salt shall lose its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is good for nothing any more but to be cast out and trodden on by men."

The Latin word for authority "auctoritas" signifies increase flowing from faithfulness to the author of life and source of all authority and increase.

"Seek you first the Kingdom of God and His justice and all these things will be added unto you."

The age of apostasy was foreseen by Isaiah the prophet:

"In that day, says the Lord of hosts, shall the peg be removed that was fastened in a sure place and it shall be broken and shall fall and that which hung thereon shall perish, because the Lord has spoken it." The peg and the sure place were the Mass and the Papacy and depending on them were souls, society, faith and the moral and natural order.

But aren't the last of the churchgoers in good faith? Crushing Jesus underfoot in order to worship him? What a contradiction!

No one has the right to use an evil means for a good purpose. But what if the Pope allows it? The Pope cannot make evil into good. Sinning under obedience remains sin.

St Thomas Aquinas wrote: "Sometimes the things commanded by a superior are against God, therefore superiors are not to be obeyed in all things."

St Paul wrote: "Though we or an angel from heaven preach a Gospel to you different from that which we have preached to you, let him be cast out."

The remedy is not in more of the same. The remedy is return to the source, the author of life, from whom all authority and prosperity comes, return to the God-given worship.

From the Book of Apocalypse, God's message to the church: "You have the name of being alive and you are dead. Be vigilant and strengthen the things that remain which are ready to die...Have in mind therefore in what manner you received and heard and observe. If you will not watch, I will come to you as a thief and you know not what hour I will come to you."

Possessed people at mental asylums when a priest making a sick call was approaching down the corridor would start stripping off and shouting and groaning and engaging in all manner of outrageous behaviour. It is alleged that a genuine Satanist can identify one consecrated Host mixed in a thousand unconsecrated Hosts. Satanists will pay good money to get possession of a consecrated Host. They desecrate and violate the Host in a heinous and hate-filled way because they believe they are torturing Jesus. They do not steal the altar breads from Anglican or Lutheran "churches" They steal only Catholic consecrated Hosts. "You believe there is a God? You do well. The devils also believe, and tremble."--Book of James.

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