Monday, November 24, 2008

Strange Sand--Part Two

"When you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place, he that reads let him understand."

Book of Daniel: "It [meaning evil spirit] was magnified even unto the strength of Heaven and it threw down of the strength and of the stars and trod upon them. And it was magnified even to the prince of the strength [Christ the King uncrowned] and it took away from him the continual sacrifice [the holy sacrifice] and cast down the place of the sanctuary. And strength was given him against the continual sacrifice, because of sins, and truth shall be cast down on the ground...and the strength shall be trodden underfoot."

A 3000-year-old prophecy of King David in Psalm 73 (or 74 in the Jewish Bible): "See what things the enemy has done wickedly in the sanctuary. And they that hate you have made their boasts in the midst of your solemnity...They have defiled the dwelling place of your name on the earth. They have said in their heart, the whole kindred of them together, Let us abolish all the festival days of God from the land."

Book of Ezekiel: "Priests have despised my law and have defiled my sanctuaries; they have put no difference between holy and profane, nor have they distinguished between polluted and clean."

St.Paul: "Take heed to yourselves and the whole flock, wherein the Holy Spirit has placed you bishops to rule the Church of God, which he has purchased with his own blood. I know that after my departure ravening wolves will enter in among you and from yourselves shall arise men speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them."

The prophet Samuel: "Wherefore the sin of the young men was exceedingly great before the Lord because they withdrew men from the sacrifice of the Lord." Young men here means the sons of the high priest Eli. God replaced Eli's sons as priests and instead chose Samuel, just as he rejected the first-born Cain for Abel, Esau for Jacob, and later the Jews and their once perpetual covenant for the Gentiles. Now he is rejecting the Gentiles who have desecrated and destroyed his Church and violated the new and everlasting covenant. "All the day long I have stretched out my hands to an unbelieving people."

From the Psalms. "The wicked draw near against me to eat My flesh. My enemies that trouble me have themselves been weakened and have fallen." Eat my flesh in the Middle East is a metaphor for revile and persecute. "He eats our flesh," Christians might have said about Saul before his conversion.

In Switzerland an audio recording was made of the exorcism of a diabolically possessed woman. The "invisible energies" compelled to speak against their will by the exorcist's use of the holy name and sacramentals, admitted that Communion in the hand was conceived by hell as an effective obstacle to the salvation of souls. See details below.

To realise the extreme sorrow, pain and anguish caused Jesus in this his most vulnerable, trusting, generous, and humble gift of himself, the bread of the holy Sacrament, read the vision of Anne Catherine Emmerich in The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the book that inspired Mel Gibson to film The Passion of the Christ.

Many avoided the Gibson movie. They said it was because of the bloodshed but many movies show violence. Irish Australian convict history is full of the most inhumane floggings by which many died. Many people could not view the scourging of Jesus because they were crippled by guilt at how they have treated him, especially in the new and degraded form of Christian worship.

For what is the Christian worship, after all? It is in St.Paul's words the Showing Forth of the Death of the Lord. It is the Lord's Requiem, the Memorial Oblation of Calvary, the Death of the Lord.

St.Paul: "For as often as you shall eat this bread and drink this chalice, you shall present the Death of the Lord...Whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this chalice of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the death of the Lord...He that eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks judgment to himself--not discerning the Body of the Lord. Therefore there are many inform and weak among you, and many sleep."

By "many sleep," Paul is saying that they have died, because of unworthy Communions, because they did not recognize the Body of the Lord."

If I had the choice," wrote a friend of mine, "I would only go to the Traditional Mass. But I need to go to Mass. So I plod along with what is offered."

Plod is the operative word. No standing on ceremony there. Good people are crushing the holy face underfoot without a thought, thoughtlessly. Why? Just because Father and His Lordship tell them it's alright. But do they have a leg to stand on? Who can justify sacrilege? Not even a pope can command you to do something sinful. Though they can try.

Priests and bishops get away with it, while popes turn a blind eye. Because the last of the Catholics are dumb sheep and have no understanding of how to apply the Lord's specific warning, which was to beware of wolves in sheep's vestments, meaning bishops, priests and popes. They have no understanding of the devil's most ingenious strategy of filling the ranks of the priesthood with dedicated enemies of Christ from top to bottom, communists, homosexuals, secret agents of subversion from within.

Jesus: "When the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the pit together." If you receive Communion from any of these priests who are just play-actors, do you think you will go to Heaven? For after all Communion means an endorsement, a statement of unity.

A lady waking up ceased going to church, saying, "Now anybody gives you Communion."

In another parish, a lady was expressing her grievance concerning the irreverence shown to God. "Don't worry," sniffed the priest. "The church will be coming to an end soon anyway." Right from the horse's mouth.She relocated to another parish. But guess what? The Pope made him Bishop. What's a cross between a For Sale sign and the last nail being hammered into a coffin?

St.Padre Pio's last words: "Beware of the bishops." Jesus said the same thing. Beware of false prophets who will come to you dressed in the vestments of sheep but are inwardly ravenous wolves. Did anybody listen? Sleepy and Sheepy and seven billion dwarfs.

Grave, dark and prophetic were the words of Jesus: "Many will desire to enter but will not be able to."

Believers have been scandalized away, effectively barred out, denied the means of salvation by networking perverts and impostors in sheep's clothing who make communists look like petty criminals by comparison.

Millions of potential converts have abandoned the quest for the one that is true and authentic among the hundreds of counterfeit religions and fake churches--the only one able to absolve us from our sins.

The details of the Old Testament worship were not given in scripture. They were too holy to be written down. Instead they were passed down faithfully from generation to generation of priests. Likewise the Christian worship.

For neither were the Jews a "People of the Book" nor were the Christians, but a people and a priesthood of the holy oral tradition, the rites of sanctification of the new Temple.

And what's another word for disgrace? The Church in the modern world, characterised by the spirit of the world inside the Church.Everything is broken. Thanks to "dignity," a weasel word by which offences against the purity of the Creation pretend to justify themselves. Human dignity? Bishops and popes slavishly capitulating before the united nations?

The new theology of the world inside the church is an anti-Gospel for a church turned on its head, an antichurch that makes straight the way of the Anti-Christ. Wordsearch Pope In Flames for a sobering and arresting sight!

The consequences of the worldly spirit are ramified throughout society. Morality without religion leads to liberty without morality, leads to anarchy, leads to tyrannical laws. Don't be surprised at mounting violence and vandalism and contemptuous youth. You get what you pray for. Where there's no fear of God, there's fear of man.

Spiritually, politicians begin to resemble demons or the shaman witchdoctors of Ameru in America and the whore-priestesses of Baal. They send babies to their deaths in what should be the safest place on earth, their mother's womb, but now, in actuarial terms, the least safe, with more than one hundred million defenceless children massacred annually with government approval, turning hospitals into abattoirs. Photographs show a baby's tiny hands reaching and holding the finger of the surgeon or nurse that hands the scalpel that cuts the little one's throat. But it's legal, so what's the problem? Not in Heaven do these victims await their mothers. "Wheresoever the body shall be, there shall the eagles also be gathered together."

View actor Eduardo Verastegui's amazing five-minute movie at or

Everybody subconsciously senses and fears that the true Church has been liquidated. The Church is not in crisis, it is not dying, it is dead, the corpse propped up only to maintain appearances and salaries, while "dogs in the manger"occupy the real estate to prevent any restoration of the true and proper worship of God.

Along the Via Dolorosa way of sorrows, Jesus told the women of Jerusalem, and all spiritual mothers and fathers to come: "Do not weep for me! Weep for yourselves and for your children!"

St.Alphonsus wrote: "Remember, dear Christian, you have but one soul to save, one God to love and serve, one eternity to expect, death will come soon, judgment will follow, then heaven or hell forever. Therefore, O child of Jesus and Mary, avoid sin and all dangerous company and places, pray without ceasing, go frequently to confession and Holy Communion."

Confession and Communion? If you can find them! To all intents and purposes, there is no longer a true Memorial Oblation of the Death of the Lord, a true Mass, at least not within driving distance.

In the Book of Acts we read of Philip running alongside the chariot asked the Ethiopian bureaucrat, "Think you understand what you're reading?" "How can I unless some man show me." That man was not so proud that he needed the help of those appointed by God. Modern people are proud. Each his own interpretation of the Bible. And the Bible they use is not even the Bible Jesus used but the expurgated version created by a Jewish not Church council at Javneh in Gaza in year 90.

This true worship, Mass, was it recognizable from the Bible? Of course. See below.

St.Alphonsus said he who prays might be saved but he who does not pray or prays badly can't be. In the absence of a Church, learn the acts of Contrition, Spiritual Eucharist and Spiritual Communion below. Practise abandonment to the Divine Will. That means accepting and bearing trials with submission. The monastic life you have when you don't have a monastery.

Anyone interested in life in a monastery or convent register your interest.

Look down us, O Lord, with mercy, lest the soul weighed down by its crimes be exiled from the gift of life and while it think of nothing eternal bind itself to its sins. O Jesus, hide us in your wounds, spread wide your hands and draw all men to yourself. Mother Mary, be our salvation, keep us under the mantle of your protection. Eia ergo advocata nostra!

"To him that overcomes I will give to eat of the tree of life...he that shall overcome shall not be hurt by the second him that overcomes I will give the hidden manna."

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